Add New Categories and Units “on the fly”

Sigma allows you to add new categories and units of measure “on the fly” as you build your estimate. This feature can be turned on or off.

To turn on automatic addition of new categories

1. Click on File > Settings.

2. Click on Lists in the left-side toolbar.

3. Highlight (click on) Categories under System lookup lists and click Edit.

4. Click on the Values

5. Mark the checkbox Add unlisted values to the list under Options.

TIP: If you also mark the checkbox Prompt before adding unlisted value, you will be prompted to add the category.

6. Click OK.

7. Click OK again.

To turn on automatic addition of new units

1. Click on File > Settings.

2. Click on Lists in the left-side toolbar.

3. Highlight (click on) Units under System lookup lists and click Edit.

4. Click on the Values

5. Mark the checkbox Add unlisted units to the list under Options.

TIP: If you also mark the checkbox Prompt before adding unlisted value, you will be prompted to add the unit.

6. Click OK.

7. Click OK again.