Importing a Pricelist (CSV File)

1. Click the Libraries tab in the Quick Access Toolbar.

2. Click Price lists.

3. Click Pricelist settings.

4. Click New price list.

5. Choose the type Comma delimited file (CSV) from the drop-down menu.

6. Write the price list’s name.

7. Click OK.

8. Click on the folder icon to Browse and locate the file to import.

9. Choose the desired CSV file and click Open.

10. In the Field Delimiter box, make sure a comma is shown; if needed, double click on the box and type a comma.

Once the price file is open a table is visible on the right side showing the file you opened. To the left of the table are two empty fields with drop-downs lists.

11. Click the left hand drop down list and choose one of the Sigma field types.

12. Click the right hand drop down list and choose a column (Field 1, Field 2, etc.) from the table to associate with the Sigma field type.

13. Repeat steps one and two until all necessary columns has been paired.