Using RSMeans in Your Estimate

1. Start Sigma and open the estimate you want to work on, or start a new estimate using a template.

2. Click on the Libraries tab and open the RS Means database you wish to use.

3. Click on View in the ribbon, and arrange the windows as you like.

4. There are several ways to get the RS Means data into your estimate. For instance. Let’s say you want to add steel double hung windows to your estimate.

  • The first method is simply to start typing. Click on the heading in the WBS that you want to add an item to, then, in the Content page, click in the next available line in the text column and start typing. A selection window will open displaying all the matches in RS Means to what you type. “Window double steel hung” yields the same result as “hung steel double window”. Then simply click on the item you want to add, and adjust the quantity.
  • The second method is to navigate thru the RS Means database, find the item you want to add to your estimate, and drag-n-drop it into your estimate. Items can be dropped on any heading or component in the WBS window, or it can be dropped into the Content page.

5. All items added to your estimate from RS Means are added with a quantity of 1. Make sure to change the quantity if you need to.

6. Once an item is added to your estimate, all aspects of that item can be edited.